Tuesday 23 March 2010

Exercise and Stress Relief

Few of us can say that our weekly routine doesn’t involve some form of stress.

Maybe you do a high pressure job or run a busy household, or perhaps you simply have to deal with the everyday stresses of life....like all the rubbish drivers on the road when you’re simply trying to get somewhere on time!

Ongoing research has proved that one of the most vital tools in the fight against stress is exercise.

The reasons behind this are both mental and physical.


· Exercise can help you deal with the frustration and pent up anger that stress can cause

· Exercise actually promotes a more positive mood as it produces positive biomechanical changes in both the body and brain

· Exercise can decrease the stress hormone cortisol

· When you exercise your body releases endorphins. These are powerful chemicals in the brain that have both pain relieving and mood enhancing effects on the body

· When you exercise you may find that you sleep better as a result of these endorphins

· Exercise provides a distraction from stress

· Certain forms of physical exercise such as boxing or even weight training are great ways to vent pent up frustrations!


· Stress can cause high blood pressure and, exercise helps lower this.

· Evidence suggests physically that fit people have less extreme physiological responses when under pressure than unfit people. The result of this is that fit people are more able to handle the long- term effects of stress, and less likely to suffer ill health or burnout.

· Exercise actually improves blood flow to your brain, which in turn transports extra sugars and oxygen to the brain that may be needed when you are thinking intensely.

· There is of the course the feel good factor of exercise. A fitter, firmer body radiates health and feels much more able to cope with everyday stress.

Certain forms of exercise can be a great way to socialise and chill out with friends.

So what are you waiting for? Is your brain feeling frazzled and your head ready to explode? Grab your training gear and head to the gym!

Of course exercise is only a tool in stress relief, if you feel overwhelmed by the pressures you face, it is advisable to seek professional help.




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