Monday 15 March 2010

Setting Goals- Unlock Your Inner Self

Three years ago a very persistent martial arts instructor at the gym I was using persuaded me to give kickboxing a go.

Although a self-confessed gym addict this was something totally out of my comfort zone. I had spent the last few years doing heavy weightlifting and road biking so I was slow and somewhat unsupple. I did have the advantage however of being very strong and very fit!

The first few months were a steady battle...I mean for some of us it really does not come naturally to stand on one foot kicking, or to spin backwards to hit someone.

I dedicated more time to stretching and became really, rather bendy and kept practising and practising setting myself small goals along the way such as getting my hamstrings more flexible which would help me kick higher and reduce my risk of injury. My determination to improve paid off and after a few months I gained my first belt.

I currently train with a really friendly club and have progressed through several belts and last year I started competing in light continuous competitions.

If I had been told when I first started to kickbox that I would end up in a boxing ring partaking in fights I would have laughed. It is very nerve wracking, but I am so proud to have achieved this. It hasn’t been easy, but the great thing is each new challenge drives me to keep going to the next level.

Every time I think I can’t be bothered to train I think of my next competition or my next grading and soon enough I get my lazy butt down the gym and before I know it I’ve had a fantastic workout.

Ahh good for you, you may be thinking, we knew it, the lady behind the blogs is crazy! However, this little story has a point.

Setting yourself a personal goal is incredibly motivating. I don’t expect everyone to like exercise or if you do like it you may not enjoy every session. We all need a little motivator and my suggestion is to find something that you would like to achieve that would make you feel good.

Never underestimate your goals, it doesn’t matter how big or small they are, it’s all about personal achievement. You may choose to do a 5km walk or a 3km run, or maybe you’re the marathon type. You may want to lose that half a stone, lower your blood pressure, or run across the park after your tearaway toddler. Many of my clients sign up for events which support a charity close to their heart, which is a double whammy, getting fit for a good cause!

The point is if you have a goal it will motivate your workouts. Even on a lazy day that little voice in your head (we all have them, it’s not just me!) will be nagging you to go to the gym, and when you do you will feel so much better for it!



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