Monday 10 May 2010

Feeling Good- Wellbeing

It’s a sad reflection on society today how many people claim to “hate” certain parts of their bodies, if not their entire body! These negative body images are imprinted from such an early age, and regardless of whether media or peer pressure is to blame, it is something that needs to change.
Surely it would be better to celebrate the parts of our bodies we love and to embrace good health? Frequently when clients bemoan their horrible thighs I will respond by asking if their horrible thighs would be the ones that carry them round all day and would they rather be without? I don’t think so!
It’s time to start loving your body whatever shape or size and to focus on reaching your own potential rather than trying to recreate the unrealistic images pasted on magazine covers and advertising boards(remember we could all look like that with a bit of airbrushing!).
Women are very harsh on themselves, but I have noticed a worrying increase in the amount of men putting themselves down too. Most alarming is the amount of young girls I have heard calling themselves fat despite being slim. These youngsters are starting dieting as they head for their teenage years when their bodies desperately need adequate nutrition to grow strong and healthy and they should be enjoying life not taking on worries like this at such an early stage in life.
Women tend to be aiming for certain dress sizes which can be totally unrealistic and lead to a constant cycle of failure. With guys the same thing can be said for the never ending quest for a ripped six pack.
So what I am suggesting is let’s start taking a more realistic, kinder approach to body image.
Having a “fat” day? Step away from the mirror! Harness that negative energy into something positive; go for a walk in the fresh air or go and have a workout. All those endorphins you release as you workout will make sure you leave the gym feeling a damn sight better about things.
No matter your size or shape everybody has a certain potential you can strive to achieve. Being fitter and stronger is something everybody can aim for, whether you are a beginner starting out on a fitness programme for the first time or a self confessed gym addict training for your first marathon, with regular training you will notice positive changes in your body.
A stronger, fitter body can feel incredibly empowering. A healthy body can make you more prepared to take on the everyday challenges encountered in daily life.
Self acceptance is a crucial factor in feeling good. Embrace your health and your amazing body rather than beating yourself up for having a little too much body fat on your hips or tum!
We cannot put a price on health. Eat sensibly and train regularly and appreciate your body. Watch the positive changes that occur through this healthier lifestyle and forget about obsessing about the negatives. You will find as you relax and quit beating yourself up you become more confident and may actually start to make friends with your body and appreciate how fabulous you really are!

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